Image Source: My Life Spirit
My life spirit loves God and whole creation including the fallen ones. What I mean by fallen are any people coerced into having a satanic spirit, which causes destruction and chaos. This life would not be worth living if there were not these opposing forces. Acceptance of everyone without holding, even a slight hate, toward anyone that does not have your religious faith is the key to opening your heart, mind, and spirit to the truth of who you and I are. We will not look at anyone the same again once we have achieved this epiphany, spiritual ecstasy, heaven, nirvana, or enlightenment.
The spirit of God is oneness or unity of a love we cannot even imagine but only experience a glimpse of in this life including near death experiences, NDEs. Once you get to a point and beyond of that supernatural love there is no coming back to this life except as a holy, sacred, or blessed ghost, but maybe only to help the many earthbound souls that die and must wait to see God, which I am sure that I will experience for an unknown time, short or long that only God knows.
My Life Spirit Loves God, but My Ego Holds Me Back
If anything, there is a spirit that moves me and makes me whole. There is the possibility of having two bodies in one soul. There could be a specific number of soulmates in your life, but there could also be just one meant for you. Soulmates may separate but they will come together again, maybe not in this lifetime.
My life spirit loves the truth, which is difficult to find in a materialistic world. To find truth, you must be yourself and open-minded. Do not imitate famous people, except as an actor for entertainment. It is easy to follow someone else’s path, sometimes, but literally everyone will walk the road meant for them.
Make divinity your goal and stay away from evil, even if it makes you one of the monetarily wealthiest people in the world. Anything material will not go with you into death.
Love everyone, including you worst enemy, and model yourself as selfless with a Christ-consciousness.