Walking Through Your Vices


Walking through your vices and leaving them behind will take time, as you improve yourself in life. You must have elements of change to do this and go past your comfort zone. If you remain stuck in the same rut, monotonously, but not in the sense that you are doing something you have a passion for repeatedly, those vices tend to remain with you. The trick is to not do everything you do psychologically.

I admit that I am far from perfect, but every day I, inspired by self-motivation that my life will get better, even with anxiety attached to me. My future mixed with feelings of sadness and happiness, and I am anticipating it all the time, and creating a nervous feeling. The remarkable thing about this is it fuels my creativity. Creativeness, for me, is one of both dark and light. The opposing effect makes for the beauty of humanity and knowing the choices we make, sometimes, will not be right, and we will get the chance to try it again. It is like failing repeatedly until you become successful.

Success is the result of a series of failures. When you stop failing and figure out where you went wrong, you can try it again if you want or move on to something different. That is life and finding your place in it with trial and error.
Walking Through Your Vices Brings to a Life of Virtue.

We may hang onto the sins of being human, unless we are ready to enter our divinity and leave all that behind, including letting go of love for a while until that place of pure self-bliss is achieved, or you find a partner on a similar vibration as you.

If you are together with someone, you will slow down and walk with you on the same journey as you yet walking through your vices is the only way of removing them.