Imagination Is Better Than Knowledge

“Imagination is more powerful than knowledge,” as Albert Einstein quoted. If you honestly observe that quote, you understand that knowledge is a set of facts put together through historical and scientific evidence that does its best to make something seem true, as in a realist’s point of view. Imagination, on the other hand, is creative and where ideas are born, but not without separation of good and evil. This dominates the mind of artists and those with mental illness ruled by a society, mostly of realists, who do not delve into much outside of the physical world or perceive with their five basic senses including sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

I must admit with my wild ideas, I live outside this reality sometimes to understand what is beyond. It may mention thoughts of conspiracy to some who believe it is hogwash. Sometimes, I feel the need to understand why my life is so full of twists and turns. I know I am here to serve and love all, and my mother constantly told me not to hate anyone. It does not mean I cannot loathe people’s actions, but that is something I do not share with anyone, unless it is for the good of the person whose actions I despise. It may be best to talk to that person one-on-one or just let it go and not interfere with anyone else’s life because it is their choice not mine.

In any relationship of closeness and intimacy, I have learned to communicate on a deeper and empathetic level, but in my heart, I will not share with anyone outside of that kind of relationship. If I talk of someone, when they are not there, I continually strive to mention their goodness and not their faults. Naturally, people will talk negatively about someone, but it is a projection of themselves. The inappropriate words you communicate about someone reflect you, only accepted by those who think and feel similarly.

I am here to help, serve, and love, so that I will be ready when it is my time to go, which is not fatalistic.