A Great Spirit Entered Me

Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org…:Karlskirche_Frescos_-_Heiliger_Geist_2.jpg

The great or God spirit entered me, and I knew why I was here. It is of ancient tradition formed long ago where a man gifted by mother earth becomes the king of his domain but not in a controlling way. I am free to soar like an eagle with the westerly winds giving me strength to naturally go through storms. The bear and wolf surged through my veins at one time giving me tremendous power of fighting for my own.

My long-lasting psychological war is gone, and I can move on past the torments and evil entities that tried to put me down. My mind resolved to organize and keep all the valid and crucial information and send the angry egotistical child packing and leaving and giving me a fresh start. The release and feeling are magnificently beautiful, as if only meant for me and the ones I love. Freedom from chains and binding contracts no longer exists.

A Great Spirit Entered Me From Above

There is nothing that can hold me back from becoming the person I am meant to be. With an empathetic nature I move forward with a vivid and prolific imagination and helpful attitude that, only, I must act upon. It is a heart-soul connection with my chosen tribe where no matter where any of us are, we can precognitively sense where any part of our family is. This family is a combination of blood with mostly non-biologically related people of one soul. We may be a small group, but enormously powerful stewards and servants compared to the whole of creation. Our call is, sometimes, one of guardianship.

Furthermore, as written in an ancient script derived from distant stars in the form of symbols having meaning of their own. The knowledge passed down through one seed of hope, faith, and love to guide humankind to its final resting place, eternally, with soon to have long times of serenity. It is a heavenly realm where we will remain safe and at peace.

I dare not hold back this great spirit entered me from rising above and beyond.