I do not think idealistically like I once often did. Currently, I am more of an observer than a participator. I like to listen instead of talk, but I have my moments where I will spill decades of words at once. We live in a dream, and once you understand the real you become more prominent and open to the truth of what reality is.
I am slowly coming into the awakening of my authenticity. It is more comfortable to take necessary risks even if it puts me in a vulnerable position. That is growth because if we do not attempt something that is beyond or difficult of our comfort zone, we remain smug or complacent. Mediocrity is easier than going above and beyond.
I must sometimes listen to that inner voice of intuition and not fear making a mistake or receiving humiliation, but it becomes more of lesson for me for being wrong. We all learn more from our mistakes and we must do instead of trying or at least make the best attempt at doing. Thus, I concur that we will not know unless we try, and not give up at any point. That thousandth attempt may be the dealmaker.
I do believe there are second chances and sometimes even three or more, depending on the circumstances. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again,” attributed to Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland in 1314. It does not hurt to try even if you fail, and believe me, I have tried and failed multiple times in my life.
Be gentle and kind to everyone, and do not display any air of superiority over anyone. Humility is much more convincing than too much pride. Thus, pride is one of the seven deadly sins and sin is something that kind-hearted people would rather avoid.
Therefore, listen to your gut or that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, especially regarding a decision you must make. If that hunch was wrong, do not give up on yourself and keep trusting your intuition for future occurrences.
In conclusion, your hunches or internal perceptions will eventually be correct all the time.