Author: Paul

  • Walking Through Your Vices

    Walking Through Your Vices

    Walking through your vices and leaving them behind will take time, as you improve yourself in life. You must have elements of change to do this and go past your comfort zone. If you remain stuck in the same rut, monotonously, but not in the sense that you are doing something you have a passion for repeatedly, those vices tend to remain with you. The trick is to not do everything you do psychologically.

    I admit that I am far from perfect, but every day I, inspired by self-motivation that my life will get better, even with anxiety attached to me. My future mixed with feelings of sadness and happiness, and I am anticipating it all the time, and creating a nervous feeling. The remarkable thing about this is it fuels my creativity. Creativeness, for me, is one of both dark and light. The opposing effect makes for the beauty of humanity and knowing the choices we make, sometimes, will not be right, and we will get the chance to try it again. It is like failing repeatedly until you become successful.

    Success is the result of a series of failures. When you stop failing and figure out where you went wrong, you can try it again if you want or move on to something different. That is life and finding your place in it with trial and error.
    Walking Through Your Vices Brings to a Life of Virtue.

    We may hang onto the sins of being human, unless we are ready to enter our divinity and leave all that behind, including letting go of love for a while until that place of pure self-bliss is achieved, or you find a partner on a similar vibration as you.

    If you are together with someone, you will slow down and walk with you on the same journey as you yet walking through your vices is the only way of removing them.

  • Cannot Give in to Complacency

    Cannot Give in to Complacency

    Image Source:

    I cannot give in to complacency and get bored with life. There is so much to learn and so little time in this classroom we call earth. We are on a journey, which is only on a path made for each one of us. There are deeper learning opportunities after our time, in this life, ends and we will have the ability to ascend and transfigure, the same way Jesus Christ did, but only when we are ready to accept our own divinity. Our goal is incarnation or the merging of ourselves with God, in perfect union.

    It does not say this in the bible, so how do I know. It is my belief that there is no word that can truly describe that supernatural moment when I too, will know about everything there is to know. That knowledge is already inside of us, but we do not know how to tap into it. The Kingdom of God lives within you and me in all Its glory.

    I do not go around preaching what I know because that is presumptuous. How do you know that the shepherd you are following knows or is simply good at manipulating your mind into believing so? I will be honest, I do not know a whole lot, but I know that I have enormous potential, even at my age.

    I will push myself to do the right thing and find my place in the world before looking for a handout. I do not mind giving up things, like writing or being able to use the Internet. If that is what is to happen, I accept and will humble myself even more.

    The fear is subsiding about my future, and I will do my best to play the hand dealt me until another opportunity arises.

  • Finding My True Nature

    Finding My True Nature

    Image Source:

    Every morning, there is a new characteristic of my true nature. It takes time to get away from the dichotomy of the ego, which is you and I separately. The knowledge inside of me opened to reveal that God is the unity or collective consciousness of us as a couple, group, tribe, clan, or every situation we are together as humans. There are only three vices holding us back, and they are sadness, anger, and fear.

    It is okay to have sadness, but to constantly dwell on it is not good. It is a common emotion of people with, mostly, an empathetic disposition to the human condition, as I once was, but now accepting and working through in my life. Wisdom comes from experience, and every day there are new ones and new possibilities. A newborn virtue thrives in those who seek it. We become what we think about most, which hopefully is more loving.

    The beauty of innocence and pureness in a young child is so inspiring to me, even though I did not have children of my own. If we all could develop such childlike love, even we as adults, will become Christlike, or what overall is Christ or Universal Consciousness. God is inside each of us but are limited beliefs and set ways are masking that part of us, which is divinity.

    There is much work for me, yet, in my long life living inside of my head and becoming more of my heart, which I know is often more than I can manage emotionally. I tend to break down and cry for myself, other people, and just in the way the world has become.

    I want to get back that innocence I lost too early in life, and we all have the capacity to do it if we keep our mind on what is above, a power greater than ourselves, whom we relate to as God.

    Let me walk home to the place I belong, which is a yearning or calling of unconditional love.

  • A Unseperated Love

    A Unseperated Love

    As I gazed upon her beautiful eyes,
    Something magical become of me.
    Her exciting love for me never dies,
    Known by similarly of us to let it be.

    The passion rose like a flame inside,
    As the solid ground started shaking.
    We together must not accept deride,
    Life joined eternal was in the making.

    A heartbeat of two were synchronized,
    Into a big spinning whirlwind diverted.
    For heaven above a merge authorized,
    Into a heavenly host we are converted.

    That what God brings together does not part,
    The two of us forever live in an ecstatic heart.

  • A Natural Curiosity of the Unseen

    A Natural Curiosity of the Unseen

    Image Source: The Void of Darkness

    There is a natural curiosity of that, which is unseen. It may seem empty as that of a void, but it is where we find God and inner truth, but not everyone. We are all looking for the light, not found except through the darkness. We do not achieve comfort without going through pain. It is a calming echo inside our brain calling us to be stewards of humankind, and to battle the evil of mostly what we project from the inside.

    Hell is not a place but a state of mind. It is the opposite of heaven or nirvana, that sacred place of pure bliss, which is also a mental state. God is our mentality or the overall consciousness of the entire planet, which can only aim for the greater good of everyone collectively. There is individual struggle or evil within each of us that only we can battle. If teachers from our youth taught us limited beliefs and the way we should live, it may deprive us later of our full potential as humans.

    God is not a man sitting on a throne ruling over us, as depicted in certain religions or cultures and what we learned while growing up in a restricted society. We generalize God as a man from a culture where men are often in charge and given preference in decision-making. The breadwinner, the one making the most important decisions of our planet, but often they become selfish as leaders, who want to control everyone under them.

    Therefore, our journey is singular yet united. We all are here for the same reason, which is to serve, help, and give to our fellow humans. We become sidetracked with our own selfish goals and forget that saving humanity is our common goal from the evil that so much wants to and is ruling this current world we live in.

    It is a program led by a sinister evil who only wants power and glory for themselves. There must be resistance and persistence in the good ones, who must gather the strength of the majority to fight this corruption of thinking developed for the manipulative few in charge as our puppet masters.

    In conclusion, I continue to explore the void of nothingness, which most people are afraid of and have no desire to explore, but it is the place of finding our true nature of who we are, originally, as a thought from the Creator.

  • The Dissillusionment of Our Reality

    The Dissillusionment of Our Reality

    Image Source:
    The Disillusioned Medea (“The Enchantress”)

    There is disillusionment in our reality, but people avoid it to remain grounded. Grounding is necessary for the exchange of electromagnetic energy that continually surrounds us, and I was, previously, not grounded enough in my life, and would receive too much negative energy because of my empathetic nature. There are thousands if not millions of people, or fewer with whom I will meet in life, who are not aware, that drain energy from people like me, and I have learned to block them and ground myself frequently. There is the concept of being too grounded and not believing or participating in the spiritual realm or other dimensions that surround us also, unless of a power higher than ourselves, whom we call God, except through organized religion.

    I observe people by their Godlike actions not by any words they communicate. You can be a Christian and not represent yourself as Christlike, and even to the point where a non-Christian can exemplify more Christlike qualities than me and you, as Christians. I do not say this as a diminishment of how Christians should be, but just as point of truth people will not accept. I too, remain stubborn and set in my ways and will try not change into being a better person, but I am learning to adapt as I get older to the way of the younger generations, who are the future of this earthly physical realm we perceive.

    Yes, this life is an illusion as well as death, but even near-death experiences indicate similarities among the people for whom they occurred. It could be something as simple as a microdose of dimethyltryptamine or DMT that is naturally occurring in our bodies that gives those experiences, but they have changed people’s lives for the better.

    Down in the Peruvian jungle there are tribes that have ayahuasca, brewed plant based DMT discovered by shamans and locals, where people travel to experience and sometime face their demons and completely change their lives into a totally different person but mostly gaining much wisdom and understand who they are and what life is about.

    It is a drug-induced enlightenment, which is like a naturally occurring illuminated ecstasy.

  • A Time I Was Not Me

    There was a time I was not me,
    Unusually false was my game.
    Honesty in myself, a little wee,
    A bad status given to my name.

    In time, the truth of who I stood,
    Made me into a very good man.
    Sin dumped me like it should,
    I must persist on; I know I can.

    I have learned to accept truth,
    Instead of contemplating a lie.
    Unaware Like I did in my youth,
    Meaningfully, all of us will die.

    Often, we expect for the best,
    As we approach that big day.
    Forever hopeful of that quest,
    Jesus is our life, truth, and way.

    Going into eternal bliss,
    Or perpetual continuity.

  • A Gut Feeling

    A Gut Feeling

    Image Source: Gut Feeling or Intution

    Sitting at my keyboard with a gut feeling, which is to slow down at work and find people to have fun with outside of work. Use my knowledge to mischievously form good stories of life while being grateful for every process I go through. That inner freedom expressed in words that puts me in my own little world. If I could find one person, preferably a woman, who will make me feel comfortable when I am with her. She knows how to lower my stress and allow me to be my authentic self.

    I love having fun, but I do not drink or do drugs, including medical marijuana. Those people, who consider me a friend, often seem to treat me differently than their friends, who drink or do drugs with them. I do not like that at all, and that is why I remain a loner. It is rare to find someone that understands a man, who has not drunk alcohol for over twenty-four years and has not used street drugs, including weed for about twenty-nine years. Why is that I wonder.

    I continue to love learning and experiencing new people, and there may be a time when the right person will come along, but I am not going out of my way to seek her or chase her, even if I feel she may be the one for me. Time will tell in that respect. Usually a first-time meeting, and someone who thinks they have you figured out, but I stay aloof enough and try to remain as mysterious as possible.

    I have learned that being truthful or authentic is sometimes painful, especially when I open my vulnerabilities. I, too, make personal judgements of people, but I keep it to myself and do not spread rumors or gossip, which I can tell people do by their disposition, which is one of ignorance or an attempt at making them look like they are the normal ones. That is total baloney.

    Therefore, stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.

  • Why Romance Evades Me

    Why Romance Evades Me

    Image Source: Hopeless Romantic

    Why does romantic love evade me? My expectations are too high. It could be that God does not want me to be passionately involved with anyone, at least, at this moment. I even struggle finding companionship, as I am getting older. Then it hit me, this life is not about me, but it is about serving others and being Christlike.

    True love is a complicated process, and it cannot happen quickly. It should develop initially from a long friendship. If I could settle my ass down and be a little more stable, then it could happen for me. There must not be any form of hopelessness involved when seeking it within a woman. Every day is a new day and can be the day I could fall in love but not in a way that takes me to a place in a dream or idealistically.

    Compatibility is just part of it, and the big part is finding God’s love in each other’s soul together merging into one. This relationship must define soulfully as transparent and real. She and I cannot have that savior mentality or think we are going to fix the other one or cure any addiction either one of us may have.

    It is a continual striving to keep God with us through all our trials and tribulations, even to the point of, one of us, wanting to walk away. We will go through any darkness together and feel safe within each other’s arms to battle any demonizing manifestations from outside sources.

    We both know, keeping pure Holy Spirit will help us win anything we come up come up against within our mortality. We know we will be together eternally, even after any physical aspects of ourselves have deteriorated back into the stardust that formed us.

    We will walk home together and will only part with each other’s company for a moment in comparison to eternal life and going back to the source from which we came.
    This may be my dream, but I know there are souls like mine who were together millions of years ago and now coming back together in this life.

    I know God, Our Creator, is the Orchestrator or Architect, who leads and designs our lives.

  • Opposition Makes Life Interesting

    This morning, upon awakening, I had a vision of patterns within everything in the universe including matter and antimatter. It seems so obvious, that the void or empty space is full of information, of which we cannot perceive with our five senses, but intuitively. There is order in chaos, heaven in hell, protagonism in antagonism, friendliness in the enemy, and creation in destruction. In other words, older creations die through destruction, so that new creations are born.

    We are living on both sides doing our best to keep the balance in our lives. Do good unto others and you will receive good in return. Cause and effect, karma, but not in respect to a give and take kind of relationship but one of sharing. When together, we must learn to compromise and sacrifice, but not in a harsh way, for each other. We cannot have our way in a relationship, all the time unless we attune to being empathetic toward everyone.

    All of us are on frequencies of similarity or dissimilarity. We are going to clash in personalities with certain people, and that we must accept. We think we are on a high vibration and only can be around other people with a similar one, or so we would hope. There is going to be that devil’s advocate, who will oppose you in everything, but on the same note, it may be someone you genuinely love. I have a person like that with whom I will not mention, but they challenge my thinking and open me to better resolutions for solving problems. It is a blessing to have that.

    Opposition Makes Life Interesting or Boring

    There is a particular faction of people who love to live in dissonance and break down the harmony in most other people. I, too, choose to be different from my high school classmates to live the dull lives or normal patterned-lives we learn from our elementary and high school education, especially if they are private. Going to college, later in life, made me realize that people of different nationalities and cultures must learn to collaborate even though we are different. I am open-minded and eclectic, and not either strictly conservative or liberal politically. I understand the good and bad on both sides to not become biased about it.

    The patterns make sense, even when a mental illness gives a person the ability to finely sense patterns, which makes those type of people unique. Thought patterns are often difficult to decipher, and that is why we have people in the psychiatric field trying their best to help normalize patients through therapy and medication.

    I have experienced both the good and bad side of life, so I am at the point where the loathing displayed by people does not affect me at all, now. I remain upbeat and positive.