Image Source: Gut Feeling or Intution
Sitting at my keyboard with a gut feeling, which is to slow down at work and find people to have fun with outside of work. Use my knowledge to mischievously form good stories of life while being grateful for every process I go through. That inner freedom expressed in words that puts me in my own little world. If I could find one person, preferably a woman, who will make me feel comfortable when I am with her. She knows how to lower my stress and allow me to be my authentic self.
I love having fun, but I do not drink or do drugs, including medical marijuana. Those people, who consider me a friend, often seem to treat me differently than their friends, who drink or do drugs with them. I do not like that at all, and that is why I remain a loner. It is rare to find someone that understands a man, who has not drunk alcohol for over twenty-four years and has not used street drugs, including weed for about twenty-nine years. Why is that I wonder.
I continue to love learning and experiencing new people, and there may be a time when the right person will come along, but I am not going out of my way to seek her or chase her, even if I feel she may be the one for me. Time will tell in that respect. Usually a first-time meeting, and someone who thinks they have you figured out, but I stay aloof enough and try to remain as mysterious as possible.
I have learned that being truthful or authentic is sometimes painful, especially when I open my vulnerabilities. I, too, make personal judgements of people, but I keep it to myself and do not spread rumors or gossip, which I can tell people do by their disposition, which is one of ignorance or an attempt at making them look like they are the normal ones. That is total baloney.
Therefore, stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.